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Stanier on Iowa's GHG emissions with connections to agriculture and other sectors

Updated: Feb 17, 2022

A presentation of mine (50 min) from Feb 11, 2022. From the Climate / Atmospheric Science & Engineering (CASE) Colloquium at the University of Iowa. A result of Decarb2040 Project work.

A few people asked me for the references and those are compiled below

Key Reports

IPCC Global Warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report.; World Meteorological Organization: Geneva, 2018.

Iowa DNR GHG Reports

Iowa Climate Change Advisory, C. Iowa Climate Change Advisory Council Final Report 12/13/2008; 2008.

Papers on Nitrogen and Methane

Cao, P. Y.; Lu, C. Q.; Yu, Z., Historical nitrogen fertilizer use in agricultural ecosystems of the contiguous United States during 1850-2015: application rate, timing, and fertilizer types. Earth Syst. Sci. Data 2018, 10 (2), 969-984.

Jones, C. S.; Nielsen, J. K.; Schilling, K. E.; Weber, L. J., Iowa stream nitrate and the Gulf of Mexico. Plos One 2018, 13 (4).

Butler, T.; Vermeylen, F.; Lehmann, C. M.; Likens, G. E.; Puchalski, M., Increasing ammonia concentration trends in large regions of the USA derived from the NADP/AMoN network. Atmos. Environ. 2016, 146, 132-140.

Eckl, M.; Roiger, A.; Kostinek, J.; Fiehn, A.; Huntrieser, H.; Knote, C.; Barkley, Z. R.; Ogle, S. M.; Baier, B. C.; Sweeney, C.; Davis, K. J., Quantifying Nitrous Oxide Emissions in the US Midwest: A Top-Down Study Using High Resolution Airborne In-Situ Observations. Geophys. Res. Lett. 2021, 48 (5).

Abernethy, S.; Jackson, R. B., Global temperature goals should determine the time horizons for greenhouse gas emission metrics. Environmental Research Letters 2022, 17 (2), 024019.

Papers on Carbon Capture and Sequestration

House, K. Z.; Baclig, A. C.; Ranjan, M.; van Nierop, E. A.; Wilcox, J.; Herzog, H. J., Economic and energetic analysis of capturing CO2 from ambient air. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2011, 108 (51), 20428-20433.

Fasihi, M.; Efimova, O.; Breyer, C., Techno-economic assessment of CO2 direct air capture plants. J. Clean Prod. 2019, 224, 957-980.

Other Reports, News Stories, and Presentations

Verified Carbon Standard (2013) Approved VCS Methodology VM0022, Quantifying N2O Emissions Reductions in Agricultural Crops through Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate Reduction.

Rhodium Group. (2022). Preliminary US Greenhouse Gas Emissions Estimates for 2021

Rives, K. (2021) S&P Market Global Intelligence. Vacuuming carbon from the sky no joke for rapidly warming world.

Strong, J (2022) Iowa Capital Dispatch. Third carbon pipeline proposed for Iowa.

Guerrero et al., Bosch Thermotechnology Group (2020) Industrial Boilers: Hydrogen – Steam, Heat, Power.

ISU Extension Service. Ag Decision Maker. (2021) How to Grow and Sell Carbon Credits in US Agriculture.

Data Sources

US EIA. Levelized Costs of New Generation Resources in the Annual Energy Outlook 2021.

US Energy Information Agency, State Data on Electricity

Iowa Annual Vehicle Miles of Travel

USDA, The Conservation Reserve Program, A 35 Year History (n.d.)

Various NOAA Global Monitoring Division Data Visualizations, e.g.

Measuring Conservation and Nutrient Reduction in Iowa Agriculture, ISU Extension Service, 2020

Iowa Legislative Services Agency (2019). Livestock Inventory Historical Trends.



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